8 Sun Enterprise 220R Server Owner’s Guide • October 1999
Keyswitch Settings
The front panel keyswitch controls the power-on modes of the system. The following
table describes the function of each switch setting.
Keyswitch Setting Icon Description
Power-On/Off This setting enables the system’s Power button to
power on, or to power off, the system. If the system
hangs, holding the Power button down for five seconds
while the keyswitch is in this positon will cause an
immediate hardware power off.
Locked This setting disables the system’s Power button, and
also locks the front doors preventing access to the disk
drives and to the power supplies.
The Locked position is the recommended setting for
normal day-to-day operation of the system.
Standby This setting places the system in Standby mode by
turning off power to all internal system components
and by placing the power supplies in Standby mode.
When the keyswitch is in this position the server’s
Power button is disabled.