Chapter 6 Diagnostics, Monitoring, and Troubleshooting 183
How to Use a Second Sun Server to Diagnose
You can use the ttya or ttyb ports on your UltraSPARC system to connect to a
second Sun server. By connecting two systems in this way, you can use a shell
window on the Sun server as a terminal to your UltraSPARC system.
How to Set Up a tip Connection
The tip method is preferable to simply connecting to a dumb terminal, since it lets
you use windowing and operating system features when working with the boot
PROM. A communications program or another non-Sun computer can be used in the
same way, if the program can match the output baud rate used by the PROM TTY
port. (See the tip man page for detailed information about terminal connection to a
remote host.)
Note – In the following procedures, “UltraSPARC system” refers to your system,
and “Sun server” refers to the system you are connecting to your system.
1. Connect the Sun server ttyb serial port to your UltraSPARC system ttya serial
port using a serial connection cable. Use a 3-wire Null Modem Cable, and connect
wires 3-2, 2-3, and 7-7.
Refer to your system installation manual for specifications on null modem cables.
2. At the Sun server, add the following lines to the /etc/remote file.
If you are running a version of the Solaris Operating Environment previous to 2.0,
If you are running version 2.0 or later of the Solaris Operating Environment, type: