Index 227
tape cartridge
ejecting, 152
handling, 149
inserting into drive, 150
magnetic fields and, 149
storing, 149
sunlight and, 149
write-protecting, 150
tape drive, 3
cleaning, 154
controlling with software commands, 154
location, 6
temperature sensors, 66
terminal, alphanumeric, 33, 34
terminal, baud verification, 185
thermistors, 66
tip connection, 33, 180, 197
token ring, See network
TPE (twisted-pair Ethernet) port
attaching twisted-pair cable, 57
location, 7
pin and signal specification, 204
troubleshooting, 178 to 196
disk drive, 191, 193
DVD/CD drive, 191
DVD/CD-ROM drive, 193
FC-AL disk drive failure, 191
memory, 195
network, 187
power supply, 195
SCSI controller, 192, 195
video output, 190
UltraSCSI (UltraSmall Computer System Interface)
pin and signal specification, 206
UltraSCSI disk drive, See disk drive
UltraSPARC III CPU, See CPU module
universal PCI card, 84
USB (Universal Serial Bus)
buses, 2
keyboard, 2
mouse, 2
ports, 2
USB (Universal Serial Bus) port, pin and signal
specifications, 213
using software tools, 73
verifying baud rate, 185
File System (VxFS) software, 76
Volume Manager disk storage software, 77
VERITAS software, 87
video out failure, 190
watch-net-all command, 188
weight, See specifications
Windows operating environment, 176
wrist strap, antistatic, 120, 121
write-protecting, a tape cartridge, 150