78 Sun StorEdge Network FC Switch-8 and Switch-16 Installation and Configuration Guide • October 2001
▼ To Upgrade Software
If you have multiple hosts on your SAN, you can upgrade them simultaneously or
one at a time without affecting your SAN environment. Hosts that are not being
upgraded will not be affected during the upgrade. You can upgrade the host
software one host at a time or several hosts in parallel.
Caution – Your system will be unavailable to users and the SAN during the
upgrade procedure.
The order in which the SAN components should be upgraded is as follows:
1. Familiarize yourself with the required software components, versions and
See Chapter 3, TABLE 3-1, “Minimum Software Component Versions and Patches” on
page 38.
2. Back up all data.
Volume Management
Solstice DiskSuite
If you are using Solstice DiskSuite as your volume manager, refer to the "Solstice
DiskSuite 4.2.1 Reference Guide," part number 806-3204, available at http://
docs.sun.com. It contains instructions for upgrading your operating system.
Veritas Volume Manager
If you are using Veritas Volume Manager, refer to the Veritas Volume Manager
Installation Guide for special instructions about upgrading your system. There are
several steps that need to be followed prior to your system upgrade.
1. Upgrade the Solaris Operating System.
To take advantage of full Fabric support for your SAN, you must upgrade to at least
Solaris 8 4/01. For information on how to upgrade your systems, refer to Solaris 8
Installation Supplement, part number 806-5182, available at http://docs.sun.com.
Sun StorEdge SAN 3.0
The packages on your system that were previously used should be available. To
verify their availability, use the pkginfo command.