134 Sun StorEdge Network FC Switch-8 and Switch-16 Installation and Configuration Guide • October 2001
■ SANsurfer Webgui.log (found in $HOME/.Webgui)
Component Based Resources:
■ Raid Manager 6.22 GUI
■ SANsurfer Switch GUI
■ command line luxadm output (see the manpage luxadm (1M) for usage)
■ command line cfgadm (1M) command listing (see cfgadm_fp(1M) and
cfgadm(1M) manpages)
■ Sun StorEdge T3 Array syslog
■ LED indicators on the affected component (refer to the hardware service manual
for the product in question or call your Sun Service representative)
■ Sun Explorer Data Collector utility
You can use the results of the Sun Explorer Data Collector utility to capture most
of the host based information, as well as other system configuration information.
For more details and to download this tool refer to
http://sunsolve.sun.com and select the Explorer Data Collector link. The output
from this tool is essential if you need a service call.
After you have gathered relevant information, a service action can be generated and
Service Personnel dispatched on site for parts replacement if necessary. Contact Sun
Service for the appropriate service steps.
Storage Software
You can achieve the best troubleshooting results with a combination of the resources
listed above, as well as by using the Network Storage Agent software and Stortools.
■ Network Storage Agent is an online monitoring and reporting utility that is used
to track the status of SAN components. At a basic level, Network Storage Agent
monitors the health of the SAN and generates alerts or events when problems are
detected. You can also use it to check patch/firmware revision levels. You can
configure it to email or page the administrator in the event of problem detection.
■ Stortools is an offline diagnostic tool used for troubleshooting and fault isolation.
After alerts or events are generated by Network Storage Agent, Stortools (via
Stortools Functional and Expert testing modes) helps isolate the suspect
component and assists in verifying the correct operation of the new Field
Replaceable Unit (FRU).
Use both Network Storage Agent and Stortools for system installation verification
and testing at the time of initial system install.