6 Sun Fire 880 Server Product Notes • December 2001
Note – Many third-party drivers (those purchased from vendors other than Sun
Microsystems) do not support the DDI_DETACH function. Verify any third-party PCI
card functionality and hot-plug compatibility with the third-party card’s vendor
prior to use in a production environment.
Note – Always wait for a PCI hot-plug operation to complete before initiating a new
For more information about Sun Fire 880 PCI hot-plug operations, refer to the
Sun Fire 880 Dynamic Reconfiguration Guide. This online document is available on the
Solaris on Sun Hardware AnswerBook, which is provided on the Computer Systems
Supplement CD for your specific Solaris release.
For an updated list of Sun PCI cards that support PCI hot-plug operations, see the
latest revision of these Product Notes, available at the following URL:
Caution on the Use of PCI Cards Not
Specifically Qualified by Sun on the
Sun Fire 880 Platform
In order to ensure robust system operation, it is extremely important to ensure that
any PCI cards and associated drivers installed in a Sun Fire 880 system have been
qualified by Sun for use on the platform. It is possible for interactions to occur
between cards and drivers on a specific bus that can lead to potential system panics
or other negative outcomes if the card/driver solution has not been qualified. For an
updated list of qualified PCI cards and configurations for the Sun Fire 880 system,
contact your Sun authorized sales representative or service provider. For additional
information, refer to the following URL: