Sun Fire 880 Server Product Notes 27
pci4 display/hp connected configured ok
pci5 pci-pci/hp connected configured ok
pci6 mult/hp connected configured ok
pci7 unknown connected configured ok
pci8 ethernet/hp connected configured ok
Currently, the attachment points for PCI cards on Sun Fire 880 systems running the
Solaris 8 07/01 or 8 10/01 operating system are as follows.
# cfgadm
Ap_Id Type Receptacle Occupant Condition
pcisch0:hpc1_slot2 pci-pci/hp connected configured ok
pcisch0:hpc1_slot3 pci-pci/hp connected configured ok
pcisch0:hpc1_slot4 pci-pci/hp connected configured ok
pcisch0:hpc1_slot5 unknown connected configured ok
pcisch2:hpc2_slot2 display/hp connected configured ok
pcisch2:hpc2_slot3 pci-pci/hp connected configured ok
pcisch2:hpc2_slot4 mult/hp connected configured ok
pcisch3:hpc0_slot1 unknown connected configured ok
pcisch3:hpc0_slot2 ethernet/hp connected configured ok
When using cfgadm commands, use the attachment point id displayed by the
cfgadm command. The following example shows the current attachment point ids
and correct cfgadm command syntax for a Sun Fire 880 system.
# cfgadm
Ap_Id Type Receptacle Occupant Condition
pcisch0:hpc1_slot2 pci-pci/hp connected configured ok
pcisch3:hpc0_slot2 ethernet/hp connected configured ok
# cfgadm -c disconnect pcischO:hpc1_slot2
Status LED may not shut off after PCI hot-plug
(BugID 4403481)
On a Sun Fire 880 system running the Solaris 8 07/01 or 8 10/01 operating system,
during some PCI hot-plug events the system status (front panel) ok-to-remove LED
may remain lit even after the PCI card has been succesfully removed.
Note – For further information about this issue, see the SunSolve Online web site.