A – Command Line Interface
Security Command
59097-01 A A-55
The following is an example of the Security History command:
SB211.192 #> security history
Active Database Information
SecuritySetLastActivated/DeactivatedBy Remote
SecuritySetLastActivated/DeactivatedOn day month date time year
Database Checksum 00000000
Inactive Database Information
ConfigurationLastEditedBy admin@IB-session11
ConfigurationLastEditedOn day month date time year
Database Checksum 00007558
The following is an example of the Security Limits command:
SANbox Manager #> security limits
Security Attribute Maximum Current [Name]
------------------ ------- ------- ------
MaxSecuritySets 4 1
MaxGroups 16 2
MaxTotalMembers 1000 19
MaxMembersPerGroup 1000
4 group1
15 group2