A – Command Line Interface
Set Config Command
A-72 59097-01 A
The following is an example of the Set Config Switch command:
SANbox Manager #> admin start
SANbox Manager (admin) #> config edit
SANbox Manager (admin-config) #> set config switch
A list of attributes with formatting and default values will follow.
Enter a new value or simply press the ENTER key to accept the current value.
If you wish to terminate this process before reaching the end of the list
press 'q' or 'Q' and the ENTER key to do so.
AdminState (1=Online, 2=Offline, 3=Diagnostics) [Online ]
BroadcastEnabled (True / False) [True ]
InbandEnabled (True / False) [True ]
FDMIEnabled (True / False) [True ]
FDMIEntries (decimal value, 0-1000) [1000 ]
DefaultDomainID (decimal value, 1-239) [2 ]
DomainIDLock (True / False) [False ]
SymbolicName (string, max=32 chars) [SANbox ]
R_A_TOV (decimal value, 100-100000 msec) [10000 ]
E_D_TOV (decimal value, 10-20000 msec) [2000 ]
PrincipalPriority (decimal value, 1-255) [254 ]
ConfigDescription (string, max=64 chars) [Default Config]
InteropMode (0=Standard, 1=Interop_1) [Standard ]