Added links to access the CommandCentral Storage Change Manager
If you enable CommandCentral Storage Change Manager on your Management
Server,youcanloadtheCommandCentralStorageChangeManager Consolefrom
theCommandCentral StorageConsole.To dothis,you canusethefollowing links:
■ Storage Change Manager—this link appears in the header of the
CommandCentral Storage Console. When you click this link, the
CommandCentral Storage Change Manager Console loads in a new browser
window and the Home pane (Dashboard) displays.
■ Change History—this link appears in the Overview pane for storageresources
forwhichCommandCentralStorage ChangeManagertracksthechangehistory.
When you click this link, the CommandCentral Storage Change Manager
Consoleloads inanewbrowser window,displaystheChanges pane,andfilters
the pane to display the change history for the specific storage resource.
For more information, see the CommandCentral Storage User’s Guide.
Name of device managers display when viewing list of devices
Whenyouview thelistofconfigured devicesintheConsole, theConfiguredDevices
Summarynowdisplays thenameofthedevice managerthatmanagesyourdevices.
This is helpful when you want to identify the device manager that manages a
specific device. For example, you may want to identify the CIMOM that manages
each of your storage arrays.
For more information, see the CommandCentral Administrator’s Guide.
Ability to set new managed hosts in unmanaged state
In CommandCentral Storage 5.1, you can configure the Management Server to
detect new managed hosts,but not automatically manage those hosts. Whenthis
happens, the Management Server does not collect any data from the managed
host and it does not monitor the managed host. When you are ready for the
Management Server to manage an unmanaged host, you can simply refresh the
managed host in the Console.
For example, you might do this if you have a standard system image policy or if
you need to take advantage of an available installation window.
For more information, see the CommandCentral Administrator’s Guide.
Hotfix deployment mechanism
CommandCentral introduces a new hotfix deployment mechanism that allows
you to push and install hotfixeson remote hosts. The mechanism also allows you
to determine the current version of a CommandCentral component so that you
can better manage the deployment of hotfixes.
Getting started with the CommandCentral family
About Veritas CommandCentral Storage