deleted objects, destroyed objects cannot be restored to the CommandCentral
Storage database by a rediscover operation. Contrast with delete.
device A collective term for disks, tapes, disk arrays, tape arrays, and any other objects
that store data. Also storage device.
device handle The name the operating system uses to identify a storage resource (known as an
addressable unit or LUN), and the correct means (driver, system call) to access it.
Also OS handle.
discovery The process of finding objects on the storage network and adding information
about them to a database. In CommandCentral Storage, most discovery is done
by the Hardware Abstraction Layer, which stores information about storage
resources in the CommandCentral Storage database. Discovery of storage arrays
is performedby the VeritasArray IntegrationLayer (VAIL). Seealso explorer and
extended discovery.
discovery data store In CommandCentral Storage version 4.x, the cached database containing the
names and attributesof all objects discovered and maintainedby the SAN Access
Layer (SAL). In version 5.x, the discovery data store no longer exists. Discovery
data is stored in the CommandCentral Storage database.
disk array A collection of disks controlled and managed through firmware. See also storage
disk device A rewriteable, randomly addressable data storage device.
disk group A collection of disks that share a common configuration. A disk group
configurationis asetofrecords containingdetailedinformationon existingVeritas
Volume Manager objects (such as disk and volume attributes) and their
relationships. Each disk group has an administrator-assigned name and an
internally definedunique ID.The rootdisk group (rootdg)is aspecial private disk
group that always exists.
File Scanning explorer Any one of several explorers in CommandCentral Storage that gathers data by
scanning data on in host file systems. See also DM (Data Module) Importer.
DMP (Dynamic
A feature of Veritas Volume Manager that provides greater reliability and better
performanceby usingpathfailover andloadbalancing formultiporteddisk arrays
connectedtohostsystemsthrough multiplepaths.DMPdetectsthevariouspaths
to a disk using a mechanism that is specific to each supported array type. DMP
canalso differentiatebetween differentenclosures ofa supportedarray typethat
are connected to the same host system.
enclosure In CommandCentral Storage, a method for visually grouping objects in the
Console’s Managing Summary pane or Topology Map. For example, a user might
choose to represent a JBOD visually as an enclosure instead of as one or more
separate disks.
39CommandCentral Glossary