revision —— The revision level for MST region identification, ranging from 0 to
Command Mode
MST Configuration Mode
Configure the revision level of MST as 100:
T1500-28PCT(config)# spanning-tree mst configuration
T1500-28PCT(config-mst)# revision 100
spanning-tree mst instance
The spanning-tree mst instance command is used to configure the priority of
MST instance. To return to the default value of MST instance priority, please use
no spanning-tree mst instance command.
spanning-tree mst instance instance-id priority pri
no spanning-tree mst instance instance-id priority
instance-id —— Instance ID, ranging from 1 to 8.
pri —— MST I Priority, which must be multiple of 4096 ranging from 0 to 61440.
By default, it is 32768. MSTI priority is an important criterion on determining if
the switch will be chosen as the root bridge in the specific instance.
Command Mode
Global Configuration Mode
Enable the MST Instance 1 and configure its priority as 4096:
T1500-28PCT(config)# spanning-tree mst instance 1 priority 4096
spanning-tree mst
The spanning-tree mst command is used to configure MST Instance Port. To
return to the default configuration of the corresponding Instance Port, please