mib-oid —— MIB Object ID. It is the Object Identifier (OID) for the entry of View,
ranging from 1 to 61 characters.
include | exclude —— View Type, with include and exclude options. They
represent the view entry can/cannot be managed by the SNMP management
station individually.
Command Mode
Global Configuration Mode
Add a View named view1, configuring the OID as, and this OID
can be managed by the SNMP management station:
T1500-28PCT(config)# snmp-server view view1 include
snmp-server group
The snmp-server group command is used to manage and configure the SNMP
group. To delete the corresponding SNMP group, please use no snmp-server
group command. SNMP v3 provides the VACM (View-based Access Control
Model) and USM (User-Based Security Model) mechanisms for authentication.
The users in the SNMP Group can manage the device via the Read View, Write
View and Notify View. And the authentication mode and the privacy mode
guarantee the high security for the communication between the management
station and the managed device.
snmp-server group name [ smode { v1 | v2c | v3 }] [ slev { noAuthNoPriv |
authNoPriv | authPriv }] [ re ad read-view ] [ write write-view ] [ notify
notify-view ]
no snmp-server group name smode { v1 | v2c | v3 } slev { noAuthNoPriv |
authNoPriv | authPriv }
name ——The SNMP Group name, ranging from 1 to 16 characters. The Group
Name, Security Model and Security Level compose the identifier of the SNMP
Group. These three items of the Users in one group should be the same.
smode —— Security Model, with v1、v2c and v3 options. They represent SNMP
v1, SNMP v2c and SNMP v3.
slev —— The Security Level of SNMP v3 Group. There are three options,
including noAuthNoPriv(no authorization and no encryption)、 authNoPriv
(authorization and no encryption) and authPriv(authorization and encryption).