Sefore inspecting, cleaning or servicing the machine, shut off engine, wait for all moving parts to
come to a complete stop, disconnect spark plug wire and move wire away from spark plug.
Remove the key from the keyswitchon units so equipped.
Failure to follow these instructionscan result in serious personal injury or property damage.
Use extreme caution when working on
or near batteries. To help preventper-
sonalinjuryor propertydamage:.
• Batteries generate explosive gases.
Keepsparksand flamesaway fromthe
batteryat all times. Ventilatethe area
when chargingor using the battery in
an enclosedarea.
BatteryCare in Service
The batteryis sealedand is maintenance-
free. Acid levels cannot be checked.
• Always keepthe battery cablesand ter
minals cleanand free of corrosive
• After cleaning the batteryand terminals,
apply a light coat of petroleum jelly or
greaseto both terminals
• Always keepthe rubber boot positioned
overthe positive terminal to prevent
If the tractor hasnot beenput into usefor
an extended period of time, chargethe
batterywith an automotive-type 12-volt
chargerfor a minimum of one hourat six
IMPORTANT:Neverjump your tiller's
dead battery with the batteryof a running
1. Connectendof onejumper cableto the
positive terminal of thegood battery, then
the otherend to the positiveterminal of
the dead battery.
2. Connectthe other jumper cableto the
negativeterminal of thegood battery,
then to the frame of the unit with the dead
Failureto use this procedure could cause
sparking, and the gas in either battery
could explode.
Cleanthe battery by removing it from the
tractor and washing with a baking soda
and water solution. If necessary, scrape
the battery terminals with a wire brush to
remove deposits. Coat terminals and
exposed wiring with grease or petroleum
jelly to prevent corrosion.
Some common causes for battery failure
• incorrect initial activation
• undercharging
• overcharging
• corroded connections
• freezing
IMPORTANT:Thesefailures are NOT
covered byyour tractor's warranty.
When removing and installing the battery,
disconnect and connectthe cablesin this
order to avoid sparking:
1. To removethe battery, first disconnect
the negative(-) cablefrom the grounding
screw on the back of the battery bracket
post. Bendthecableawayfrom any metal
2. Disconnectthe negative (-) cablefrom
the negative(-) battery post.
3. Disconnectthe positive (+) cablefrom
the positive (+) battery post and bendit
awayfrom anymetal parts.Coverthe
cableterminal with its rubber boot.
4. Removethe battery clamp.
5. To install the battery, reversethe above
steps. Besurethat the battery posts face
to the rear of the tiller and that the posi-
tive (+) post is on the left side asyou face
forward from the handlebars.
Chargebatteryfully. The battery loses
some of its charge eachdaywhen the unit
is not used.
IMPORTANT: NEVERstore battery
without a full charge. Rechargebattery
before returning to service or every two
months, whichever occursfirst.
When storing unit for extended periods,
disconnect batterycables.Removing
batteryfrom unit is recommended.