Featuresand Controls
Before operating your machine, care-
fully read and understand all safety,
controls and operating instructions in
this Manual, the separate Engine
Owner's Manual, and on the decals on
the machine.
Failure to follow these instructionscan
result inseriouspersonalinjury.
This Sectiondescribesthe locationand
function of the controls onyour tiller.
Referto thefollowing section "Operation"
for detailedoperating instructions.
Practiceusing thesecontrols, with the
engine shut off, until you understandthe
operationof the controls and feelconfi-
dent with them.
IMPORTANT:Referto the separateengine
manufacturer's EngineOwner'sManual
for information aboutthe controls onthe
This lever(A, Figure3-1) hastwo posi-
Inthe ENGAGEposition, the wheelswill
startturning when either the Forward
ClutchControl or the ReverseClutch
Control is engaged(the tines will also
startturning when either clutch is
Figure3-1: Controlslocatedon handlebar.
The DISENGAGEposition placesthe
wheels in thefreewheeling modeto allow
the unitto be movedwithout the engine
running. Usethe DISENGAGEposition
only whenthe engine is not running. See
"DANGER"statementthat follows.
To shift to ENGAGE,gently (do notforce)
move the leverforward while also rolling
the tiller afew inchesforward or back-
ward. Moving the tiller helpsto align the
shift mechanismwith the transmission
wheel drive gears.
To shift to DISENGAGE(freewheel),
move the leverrearward, without rolling
the tiller. Thewheelswill roll freely
when the lever is properly set in the
Thetwo interconnected levers (B, Figure
3-1) control the engagementof forward
drive to the wheelsand tines.
To Operatethe ForwardClutchControl:
1. Beforeengagingthe Forward Clutch
Control, put the WheelGearLeverin the
ENGAGEposition (see"WARNING"
2. Pull up and hold one or both of the
levers against the handlebargrips to
engagethewheels and tines.
3. ReleaseBOTHleversto disengage
(stop) the wheels andtines. All forward
motion will stop (the enginewill continue
to run).
Never place the Wheel Gear Lever in
DISENGAGE (Freewheel) when the
engine is running.
Having the Wheel Gear Lever in
DISENGAGE and then engaging the
tines/wheels with either the Forward
Clutch Control or the Reverse Clutch
Control could allow the tines to propel
the tiller rapidlyforwardor backward.
Failure to follow this instruction could
result in personal injury or property
Never engagethe wheels and tines with
the Forward Clutch Control or the
Reverse Clutch Control unless the
Wheel GearLeveris in ENGAGE.
Engagingthe ForwardClutch Controlor
the Reverse Clutch Control when the
wheels are not engagedcouldallow the
tines to rapidly propelthe tiller forward
or backward.
Failure to follow this warning could
result in personal injury or property