
Wait for the installation to complete copying the files. If you install the Converter Standalone server, a message
appears that informs you that it is started.
What to do next
Now you can use Converter Standalone to convert physical or virtual machine sources to virtual machine or
virtual appliance destinations.
Perform a Client-Server Installation in Linux
You can select which Converter Standalone components to install when you perform a client-server installation
on a Linux distribution. You can also install remote access to manage your Converter Standalone server with
a remote Converter Standalone client.
You run the Linux installation of Converter Standalone in command-line mode.
Make sure your Linux distribution is supported and that system requirements are met.
You must have root privileges.
1 Download the latest Linux version of Converter Standalone from the VMware Web site.
The filename is similar to VMware-converter-4.x.x-<xxxxxx>.tar.gz, where <xxxxxx> is the number of
the build.
2 Go to the directory to which you downloaded the installer archive.
cd <path_to_download_directory>
3 Extract the archive in the current directory.
tar zxvf VMware-converter-4.x.x-<xxxxxxx>.tar.gz
4 Navigate to the extracted directory and run the installation executable file.
cd vmware-converter-distrib
sudo ./vmware-install.pl
5 Press Enter to view the End User License Agreement.
To accept the license agreement, scroll down the document, type yes and press Enter again.
6 Press Enter to install the Converter Standalone client.
The default is set to yes.
7 Press Enter to install the Converter Standalone server.
The default is set to yes.
A prompt asks in which directory to install the executable files.
8 Press Enter to continue without changing the installation directory.
To change the installation directory, type a new path and press Enter.
9 Press Enter to continue without changing the directory where library files are installed.
To change the library file installation directory, type a new path and press Enter.
If the directory does not exist, a prompt asks if you want to create it. The default is set to yes.
The installation requires the directory that contains the init file directories.
Chapter 3 Installing and Uninstalling VMware vCenter Converter Standalone
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