
A managed entity used to group other managed entities. Folder types are determined by the types of child
entities they contain. See also child.
full clone
A complete copy of the original virtual machine, including all associated virtual disks. See also linked
GOS (guest operating system)
See guest operating system.
growable disk
A type of virtual disk in which the disk space is not preallocated to its full size. The disk files begin small
and grow as data is written to the disk. See also preallocated disk.
guest operating system
An operating system that runs inside a virtual machine. See also host operating system.
guest user
An unauthenticated user who can log in to a system with a temporary user name and password. A guest
user has restricted access to files and folders and has a set of restricted permissions
A computer that uses virtualization software to run virtual machines. Also called the host machine or host
computer. The physical computer on which the virtualization (or other) software is installed.
host agent
Software that performs actions on behalf of a remote client when installed on a virtual machine host.
host computer
The physical computer on which VMware vCenter Converter Standalone software is installed.
hosted machine
The physical computer on which the VMware Workstation software is installed. The hosted machine hosts
the VMware Workstation virtual machines.
hosted products
VMware products (including Workstation, VMware Player, VMware Server, VMware ACE, and Lab
Manager) that run as applications on physical machines with operating systems such as Microsoft
Windows or Linux. See also hypervisor.
host-only networking
In hosted products, a type of network connection between a virtual machine and the host. With host-only
networking, a virtual machine is connected to the host on a private network, which normally is not visible
outside the host. Multiple virtual machines configured with host-only networking on the same host are
on the same network. See also bridged networking, vCenter Converter Boot CD (VMware vCenter
Converter Boot CD), custom networking, NAT (network address translation).
host operating system
An operating system that runs on the host machine. See also guest operating system.
hot cloning
In VMware vCenter Converter Standalone, cloning a local or remote physical machine while it is running
in its own operating system. See also cold cloning.
hot fix
An installable file that resets a user’s password, renews an expired virtual machine, or enables a copy-
protected virtual machine to run from a new location.
A platform that allows multiple operating systems to run on a host computer at the same time.
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