Part number 550-141-850/06996
GOLD GV Water boiler series 3 — manualGOLD GV Water boiler series 3 — manual
GOLD GV Water boiler series 3 — manualGOLD GV Water boiler series 3 — manual
GOLD GV Water boiler series 3 — manual
Contents Summary Pages
I. Prepare boiler location • Verify code compliance.
Check for high altitude requirements.
Provide required clearances and accessibility.
Plan vent and combustion air provisions.
Check existing common vents to be sure they will work when
old boiler is removed from system.
8 – 15
II. Prepare boiler Leave boiler on its skid until preparation complete.
Install vent starter tee.
Inspect/replace if necessary the gas/air orifice.
Install high altitude kit (over 5,500 feet).
Place boiler in position.
Hydrostatically test boiler.
16 – 25
III. Water piping Select system type from navigation table on page 26, cover-
ing baseboard systems, radiator systems, radiant heating
systems, heat pump systems, snow melt systems and water
chiller systems.
Review boiler connections pages 28 – 29, including instal-
lation of air separator and expansion tank.
Review general system information, page 30.
Obtain any system components needed but not on hand at
the job site.
Install relief valve and discharge piping.
Connect system piping.
Install low water cutoff and additional limit control, if
26 – 36
IV. Venting and combustion air Refer to Vent supplements included with boiler 37
V. Gas piping Connecting gas supply, including need for pipe supports.
Natural gas boilers — gas line sizing (for 0.3" w.c. drop).
Propane boilers — refer to gas supplier.
38 – 39
VI. Field wiring Code compliances.
Wiring must be N.E.C. Class 1.
Thermostat connections.
Junction box installation.
Field wiring diagram.
40 – 41