Part number 550-141-850/069962
GOLD GV Water boiler series 3 — manualGOLD GV Water boiler series 3 — manual
GOLD GV Water boiler series 3 — manualGOLD GV Water boiler series 3 — manual
GOLD GV Water boiler series 3 — manual
Figure 30 Relief valveBoiler relief valve
1. Inspect the relief valve and lift the lever to verify flow
as in the following warnings, excerpted from a relief
valve manufacturer’s warning label. Before operating
any relief valve, ensure that it is piped with its discharge
in a safe area to avoid severe scald potential. Read
manual Section IIIb before proceeding further.
Safety relief valves should be
reinspected AT LEAST ONCE
, by a
licensed plumbing contractor or
authorized inspection agency, to
ensure that the product has not been
affected by corrosive water
conditions and to ensure that the
valve and discharge line have not
been altered or tampered with
illegally. Certain naturally occurring
conditions may corrode the valve or
its components over time, rendering
the valve inoperative. Such
conditions are not detectable unless
the valve and its components are
Annual start-up —
Service & maint. — annual start-up (cont.)Xc
physically removed and inspected. This inspection must only be conducted
by a plumbing contractor or authorized inspection agency — not by the
owner. Failure to reinspect the boiler relief valve as directed could result in
unsafe pressure build-up, which can result in severe personal injury, death or
substantial property damage.
Following installation, the valve lever must be operated AT LEAST
to ensure that waterways are clear. Certain naturally occurring
mineral deposits may adhere to the valve, rendering it inoperative. When
manually operating the lever, water will discharge and precautions must be
taken to avoid contact with hot water and to avoid water damage. Before
operating lever, check to see that a discharge line is connected to this valve
directing the flow of hot water from the valve to a proper place of disposal
otherwise severe personal injury may result.
If no water flows, valve is inoperative. Shut down boiler until a new
relief valve has been installed.
2. After following the above warning directions, if the relief valve weeps or will not seat properly,
replace the relief valve. Ensure that the reason for relief valve weeping is the valve and not
over-pressurization of the system due to expansion tank waterlogging or undersizing.
Review with owner
1. Review the User’s information manual with the owner.
2. Emphasize the need to perform the maintenance schedule specified in the User’s information
3. Remind the owner of the need to call in a licensed contractor should the boiler or system
exhibit any abnormal behavior.
4. Remind the owner to follow the proper shutdown procedure and to schedule an anuual
start-up at the beginning of the next heating season.
Annual start-up —
owner review