Part number 550-110-282/1108
CGs-4E Gas-Fired Water Boiler — Boiler Manual
Safetyreliefvalvesshouldbereinspected AT LEAST ONCE EVERY
, by a licensed plumbing contractor or authorized
inspection agency, to ensure that the product has not been affected by
corrosive water conditions and to ensure that the valve and discharge
occurring conditions may corrode the valve or its components over
able unless the valve and its components are physically removed and
inspected. This inspection must only be conducted by a plumbing
contractor or authorized inspection agency — not by the owner. Failure
to reinspect the boiler relief valve as directed could result in unsafe
pressure buildup, which can result in severe personal injury, death or
substantial property damage.
Following installation, the valve lever must be operated AT LEAST
occurring mineral deposits may adhere to the valve, rendering it inop-
erative. When manually operating the lever, water will discharge and
precautions must be taken to avoid contact with hot water and to avoid
line is connected to this valve directing the flow of hot water from the
valve to a proper place of disposal otherwise severe personal injury
may result. If no water ows, valve is inoperative.Shutdownboiler
until a new relief valve has been installed.
Boiler relief valve
1. Inspect the relief valve and lift the lever to verify flow as in the following warnings,
lief valve, ensure that it is piped with its discharge in a safe area to avoid severe scald
potential.ReadmanualSection3 before proceeding further.
2. Afterfollowingtheabovewarningdirections,ifthereliefvalveweepsorwillnotseat
valve and not over-pressurization of the system due to expansion tank waterlogging
or undersizing.
Figure 23 Relief valve, typical