Part number 550-110-282/1108
CGs-4E Gas-Fired Water Boiler — Boiler Manual
Troubleshooting — air pressure switch11b
Air pressure switch
procedure to obtain appropriate
Check pressure switch setting
1. SeeFigure 24 and Table 6.
2. Remove both air pressure switch hoses from air
pressure switch.
3. Install tees and tubing as shown in
Figure 24 to
inclined manometer.
4. Turn off gas valve and set thermostat to call for heat.
Inducer will run but burners will not ignite.
5. Checkfor24VACbetweenbothairpressureswitch
terminals and ground.
6. If manometer reading is above the setpoint of the
switch (see Table 6),butthereisnot24VACbetween
both air pressure switch terminals and ground
— replace air pressure switch.
Figure 24 Manometer connections
Table 6 Pressure switch setpoint
(for elevations above 2,000 ft, contact your
local Weil-McLain sales office for details.)
Boiler model number Inches W.C.
Troubleshooting air pressure reading
1. If manometer reading is lower than the setpoint
of the switch (see Table 6) — check for possible
• blockageinhoses
• obstructionininducerhousingoutlet
• looseinducerwheelonmotorshaft
• inducermotornotinproperrpm
• inducerbackplatenotsealedproperly
• blockageinblockassembly
• blockageinuepipeortermination
• incorrectpressureswitch
Return to normal operation
When pressure reading is correct and air pressure switch
is operating properly — remove tees and reinstall hoses
to air pressure switch.
The boiler will not operate
correctly unless pressure switch
hoses are correctly located.
The red hose connects from
the right side (negative) hose
barb to the flue collector. The
white hose connects from the
left side (positive) hose barb
of the switch to the connector
box (between flue collector and
inducer) as shown in Figure