Part Number 550-110-639/0703
Final adjustments
To place in operation
1. Be sure boiler has been correctly filled with water.
2. Follow lighting/operating instructions on boiler.
For propane boilers only:
Your propane supplier mixes an odorant with the propane
to make its presence detectable. In some instances, the
odorant can fade, and the gas may no longer have an odor.
Propane gas can accumulate at floor level.
Smell near the floor for the gas odorant or
any unusual odor. If you suspect a leak, do
not attempt to light the pilot.
• Use caution when attempting to light a propane pilot.
This should be done by a qualified service technician,
particularly if pilot outages are common.
• Periodically check the odorant level of your gas.
• Inspect boiler and system at least yearly to make sure all
gas piping is leak-tight.
• Consult your propane supplier regarding installation of a
gas leak detector. There are some products on the market
intended for this purpose. Your supplier may be
able to suggest an appropriate
3. If boiler starts, go to Step 5.
If boiler fails to start, go to Step 4.
4. If boiler fails to start, check:
a) Loose connection or blown fuse?
b) Limit setting below boiler water temperature or pressure?
c) Thermostat below room temperature?
d) Gas not turned on at meter and boiler?
e) Incoming natural gas pressure less than 5" W.C. or
propane less than 11" W.C.?
f) If above fails to eliminate the trouble, refer to Control
5. Make sure boiler goes through several normal operating
6. Turn thermostat or operating control to desired setting.
Skimming steam boilers
Clean all newly installed steam boilers to
remove oil and grease. Failure to properly
clean can result in violent fluctuations of
water level, water passing into steam mains,
or high maintenance costs on strainers,
traps and vents.
Do not use petroleum-based cleaning or
sealing compounds in boiler system. Severe
boiler damage will occur.
1. Provide 1 1/2" piping from skim tapping to floor
2. Adjust water line to midpoint of skim tapping.
3. Fire boiler to maintain temperature below steaming
4. Feed in water to maintain water level. Cycle burners
to prevent rise in steam pressure.
5. Continue skimming until discharge is clear. May take
several hours.
6. Drain boiler. While boiler is WARM, BUT NOT HOT,
flush all interior surfaces under full pressure until
drain water runs clear.
7. Remove skim piping. Plug tapping.
8. Close drain cock. Fill with fresh water to waterline.
Start burners and steam for 15 minutes to remove
dissolved gases. Stop burners.
9. Check traps and air vents for proper operation.
Inspect base insulation
The boiler contains ceramic fiber and
fiberglass materials. Use care when handling
these materials per instructions on page 19
of this manual. Failure to comply could
result in severe personal injury.
Make sure base insulation is secure against base panels. If
base insulation is damaged or displaced, do not operate
boiler. Reposition or replace insulation.