Part Number 550-110-639/0703
Also Refer to Additional Instructions
Shipped With The Boiler For Specific
Control Operation and Troubleshooting.
Verify Proper Operation After Servicing
Your boiler should be inspected, cleaned
and, if necessary, adjusted once a year. A
qualified service agency should be called.
To avoid personal injury, before servicing:
1. Disconnect electrical supply.
2. Shut-off gas supply.
3. Allow boiler to cool.
Label all wires prior to disconnection
when servicing controls. Wiring errors can
cause improper and dangerous operation.
To avoid personal injury, death or
property damage, keep boiler area clear
and free from combustible materials,
gasoline and other flammable vapors and
Do not block flow of air to boiler.
Incomplete combustion and flue gas
spillage can occur.
Do not store sources of hydrocarbons
(i.e., bleaches, cleaners, chemicals, sprays,
paint removers, fabric softeners, etc.) in
boiler area. This can contribute to
shortened boiler/vent system life.
Beginning of each heating season:
1. Annual service call by a qualified service agency.
2. Check burners and flueways and clean if necessary.
Reference “Clean Boiler Heating Surfaces” and
“Cleaning Main Burners,” page 21.
3. Visually inspect base insulation. Reference “Inspect Base
Insulation,” page 17.
4. Follow procedure “To Place in Operation,” page 17.
5. Visually inspect pilot and burner flames. Reference
“Check Main Burner Flames” and “Check Pilot Burner
Flame,” page 21.
6. Visually inspect venting system for blockage,
deterioration or leakage. Reference “Inspect Venting
System,” page 21.
7. Check operation of low-water cut-off, if used, and
additional field-installed controls. Refer to
manufacturer’s instructions
8. Check that boiler area is free from combustible materials,
gasoline and other flammable vapors and liquids.
9. Check for and remove any obstruction to flow of
combustion or ventilation air.
10. Follow instructions on circulator to oil, if oil lubricated.
Over-oiling will damage the circulator. Water lubricated
circulators do not need oiling.
Daily during heating season:
1. Check that boiler area is free from combustible materials,
gasoline and other flammable vapors and liquids.
2. Check for and remove any obstruction to flow of
combustion or ventilation air.
Periodically during heating season:
1. Check relief valve. Reference manufacturer’s instructions
on relief valve tag.
2. Test low water cut-off, if used. Blowdown if low water
cut-off is float type. Reference manufacturer’s
Monthly during heating season:
1. Check for leaks in boiler and piping. If found, repair
at once.
Continuous use of make-up water can
damage boiler sections due to addition of
minerals. Do not use petroleum based
stop- leak compounds - leakage between
the sections will occur.
2. Check any gaskets for leakage. Tighten or replace, if
needed. Do not overtighten bolts - gasket damage can
3. Visually inspect pilot and burner flames. Reference
“Check Main Burner Flames” and “Check Pilot Burner
Flame,” page 21.
4. Visually inspect venting system for blockage,
deterioration or leakage. Reference “Inspect Venting
System,” page 21.
5. Check automatic air vent for leakage. If leaking, remove
vent cap and push valve core in to wash off sediment
that may have accumulated oft the valve seat. Release
valve, replace cap and open one turn.
End of each heating season:
1. Follow “Annual Shutdown Procedure,” page 21.
Suggested minimum service schedule for qualified service
technician only