Interpreter’s Control Center, Model IC-1
©2005, Williams Sound Corp. CAT 063C
Williams Sound
Helping People Hear
The unit shall be 7 inches wide, 5 5⁄8 inches deep and 3 1⁄ 8 inches tall. The unit shall weigh 1.82 lbs. The module
shall be painted beige with black legends indicating controls, inputs and outputs. The bottom and side panels shall
be painted blue. The power supply shall be external, 12 VAC, 50 or 60 Hz, 10 VA. An optional 240 VAC Power Supply
shall also be available. Inputs shall be configured as follows: The “Floor In” and “Key In” inputs shall be 3-Pin, XLR
female jacks, allowing balanced or unbalanced line-level inputs. Maximum input levels shall be 3.8 Vrms. Gain
shall be 6 dB with 43 kΩ input impedance. There shall be two microphone inputs, both 1⁄4" TRS phone jacks, bal-
anced or unbalanced. These inputs shall be mic-level, allowing a maximum 70 mVrms and 46 dB gain. The two
microphone inputs shall supply simplex DC power for electret mics with 1.75 kΩ input impedance. There shall be
two independent 3.5 mm TRS microphone inputs (unbalanced [T,S] for condenser mics), allowing a maximum 70
mVrms. Gain shall be 46 dB. The two 3.5 mm inputs shall supply DC power on tip, 1.75 kΩ input impedance.
The “Key Out” and “Norm Out” outputs shall be 3-Pin XLR male jacks, balanced or unbalanced line-level.
Maximum output shall be 7.7 Vrms. Source impedance shall be 56 Ω. There shall be two independent 3.5 mm TRS
headphone output jacks (left right). The headphone outputs shall allow the use of either mono or stereo head-
phones, 8-32 Ω. Maximum power shall be 63 mW at 8 Ω.
The unit shall have two, independent rotary-type volume controls, controlling headphone volume. The
“Microphone” switch shall be a 3–way toggle type, selecting left mic, right mic or both. The mute switch shall be
a push button-type, muting left and right mics when depressed. The function switch shall be a 4-way push button-
type, selecting OFF, NORM, RELAY or KEY modes.
Feedthru jumpers used to select floor signal feedthru options shall be located on bottom of cabinet.The unit shall
be Williams Sound Corp. Interpreter Control Center, model IC-1.
Bid Specs