Interpreter’s Control Center, Model IC-1
©2005, Williams Sound Corp. CAT 063C
Williams Sound
Helping People Hear
United States and Mexico
Williams Sound Corp.
10321 W. 70th Street
Eden Prairie, MN 55344-3446
Ph: 800-328-6190 / 952-943-2252 / FAX: 952-943-2174
Web: www.williamssound.com
Email: info@williamssound.com
Thorvin Electronics
2861 Sherwood Heights Dr. Units 36-37
Oakville, ON L6J-7K1 Canada
Ph: 800-323-6634 / 905-829-3040 / FAX: 905-829-4196
Web: www.thorvinelectronics.com
South America
SIA Trecho 3/4 Lote 335 2°. Andar
71200-030 Brasília, DF
Ph: (5561) 361-1384
Fax: (5561) 361-0948
Web: www.dptech.com.br
Email: ws@dptech.com.br
Europe and Asia
International Sales Department
Williams Sound Corp.
10321 W. 70th Street
Eden Prairie, MN 55344 USA
Phone: +1 952 943 2252
Fax: +1 952 943 2174
Email: doreeni@williamssound.com
Web: www.williamssound.com