
102 www.xilinx.com PicoBlaze 8-bit Embedded Microcontroller
UG129 (v1.1.2) June 24, 2008
Appendix : PicoBlaze Instruction Set and Event Reference
LOAD sX, Operand — Load Register sX with Operand
The LOAD instruction loads the contents of any register. The new value is either the
contents of any other register or an immediate constant. The LOAD instruction has no effect
on the status flags.
Because the LOAD instruction does not affect the flags, use it to reorder and assign register
contents at any stage of the program execution. Loading a constant into a register via the
LOAD instruction has no impact on program size or performance and is the easiest method
to assign a value or to clear a register.
LOAD sX, sY; Move the contents of register sY to register sX
LOAD sX, kk; Load register sX with the immediate constant kk
sX Å Operand
PC Å PC + 1
Registers/Flags Altered
Registers: sX, PC
Flags: Not affected