22 www.xilinx.com PicoBlaze 8-bit Embedded Microcontroller
UG129 (v1.1.2) June 24, 2008
Chapter 3: PicoBlaze Instruction Set
Address Spaces
As shown in Table 3-2, the PicoBlaze microcontroller has five distinct address spaces.
Specific instructions operate on each of the address spaces.
TEST sX, kk Test bits in register sX against literal kk.
Update CARRY and ZERO flags. Registers
are unaffected.
If (sX AND kk) = 0, ZERO Å 1
CARRY Å odd parity of (sX
AND kk)
TEST sX, sY Test bits in register sX against register sX.
Update CARRY and ZERO flags. Registers
are unaffected.
If (sX AND sY) = 0, ZERO Å 1
CARRY Å odd parity of (sX
AND kk)
XOR sX, kk Bitwise XOR register sX with literal kk sX Å sX XOR kk ? 0
XOR sX, sY Bitwise XOR register sX with register sY sX Å sX XOR sY ? 0
Table 3-1: PicoBlaze Instruction Set (alphabetical listing)
Instruction Description Function ZERO CARRY
sX = One of 16 possible register locations ranging from s0 through sF or specified as a literal
sY = One of 16 possible register locations ranging from s0 through sF or specified as a literal
aaa = 10-bit address, specified either as a literal or a three-digit hexadecimal value ranging from 000 to 3FF or a labeled
kk = 8-bit immediate constant, specified either as a literal or a two-digit hexadecimal value ranging from 00 to FF or
specified as a literal
pp = 8-bit port address, specified either as a literal or a two-digit hexadecimal value ranging from 00 to FF or specified
as a literal
ss = 6-bit scratchpad RAM address, specified either as a literal or a two-digit hexadecimal value ranging from 00 to 3F
or specified as a literal
RAM[n] = Contents of scratchpad RAM at location n
TOS = Value stored at Top Of Stack