Text Commands
10/05/2009 TTP 7030™ Technical Manual P1003636-002
This command selects one of eight fonts. The font design depends on which fonts have been
into the printer. Make a test printout to see which fonts are available in your printer.
Table 3 • Font selection commands
Lines, too long to be printed in the selected font, are automatically wrapped around.
Different fonts can be used on the same line.
Selecting an empty or invalid font location, will set bit 4 of byte 1 in the status enquiry
response to ”1". See Parameter-setting Data Enquiry on page 62.
Bold is designed for normal character width and shows less and less as the width increases.
ESC ! n1
Select Font
1B 21 n1 hex
27 33 n1 decimal
1. For font loading, see “Font loading” page .
ESC ! 0 selects normal font (font 0) ESC ! 4 selects font 4
ESC ! 1 selects font 1 ESC ! 5 selects font 5
ESC ! 2 selects font 2 ESC ! 6 selects font 6
ESC ! 3 selects font 3 ESC ! 7 selects font 7
Note • If more than 256 characters are sent to the printer before an LF, the first part of the
buffer contents is printed-out automatically. The text is formatted according to the already
received formatting commands.
ESC B n1
BoldNormal Bold
1B 42 n1 Hex
27 66 n1 decimal
n = 0 Turns OFF bold (Normal)
n = 1 Turns ON bold
ESC i n1
ItalicsNormal Italics
1B 69 n1 Hex
27 105 n1 decimal
n = 0 Turns OFF Italics (Normal)
n = 1 Turns ON Italics