Print Commands
P1003636-002 TTP 7030™ Technical Manual 10/05/2009
Print Commands
This command makes the printer print the contents of the line buffer.
Text is converted from text to pixel lines and stored in the line buffer when an LF is received.
If the line buffer is empty when <ESC>p is received, nothing is printed.
Text to be printed <LF><ESC>p prints "Text to be printed" on the paper.
Printout is effected automatically at:
This command makes the printer generate a self-test page based on the current parameter
settings and print that page. The parameter values printed are the ones currently being used.
They can differ from Power-ON default values if for example a printout from Windows has
been done before <ESC>P is sent to the printer. To make a self test printout with the Power-
ON default settings, power up the printer with the Feed button pressed.
The value n represents the number of dot lines the paper is to be transported forwards. Range:
A dot line is 0.125 mm, and 255 dot lines equal approximately 32 mm.
1B 70 Hex
27 112 Decimal
Cut <S> and <ESC><RS>
Form feed <FF>
Clear presenter <ENQ>
Run presenter <ESC><FF><n>
Print buffer full
Press on FF-button
ESC P n1
Print Self-test Printout
1B 50 n1 Hex
27 80 n1 decimal
n = 0 Gives standard self-test printout.
n = 1 Gives a character set printout using the font selected by parameter p14.
ESC J n1
Paper Advance*
*. DO NOT use ESC J n, ESC j n, or ESC Q n in fixed page mode
1B 4A n1 hex
27 74 n1 decimal