Chapter 50 System
ZyWALL USG 300 User’s Guide
50.5.3 Address Record
An address record contains the mapping of a Fully-Qualified Domain Name (FQDN)
to an IP address. An FQDN consists of a host and domain name. For example,
www.zyxel.com is a fully qualified domain name, where “www” is the host, “zyxel”
is the second-level domain, and “com” is the top level domain.
mail.myZyXEL.com.tw is also a FQDN, where “mail” is the host, “myZyXEL” is the
third-level domain, “com” is the second-level domain, and “tw” is the top level
The ZyWALL allows you to configure address records about the ZyWALL itself or
another device. This way you can keep a record of DNS names and addresses that
people on your network may use frequently. If the ZyWALL receives a DNS query
for an FQDN for which the ZyWALL has an address record, the ZyWALL can send
the IP address in a DNS response without having to query a DNS name server.
50.5.4 PTR Record
A PTR (pointer) record is also called a reverse record or a reverse lookup record. It
is a mapping of an IP address to a domain name.
50.5.5 Adding an Address/PTR Record
Click the Add icon in the Address/PTR Record table to add an address/PTR
Figure 538 Configuration > System > DNS > Address/PTR Record Edit