Chapter 50 System
ZyWALL USG 300 User’s Guide
50.10 SNMP
Simple Network Management Protocol is a protocol used for exchanging
management information between network devices. Your ZyWALL supports SNMP
agent functionality, which allows a manager station to manage and monitor the
ZyWALL through the network. The ZyWALL supports SNMP version one (SNMPv1)
Move To change an entry’s position in the numbered list, select the method and
click Move to display a field to type a number for where you want to put
it and press [ENTER] to move the rule to the number that you typed.
# This the index number of the service control rule.
The entry with a hyphen (-) instead of a number is the ZyWALL’s (non-
configurable) default policy. The ZyWALL applies this to traffic that does
not match any other configured rule. It is not an editable rule. To apply
other behavior, configure a rule that traffic will match so the ZyWALL will
not have to use the default policy.
Zone This is the zone on the ZyWALL the user is allowed or denied to access.
Address This is the object name of the IP address(es) with which the computer is
allowed or denied to access.
Action This displays whether the computer with the IP address specified above
can access the ZyWALL zone(s) configured in the Zone field (Accept) or
not (Deny).
Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the ZyWALL.
Reset Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.
Table 245 Configuration > System > FTP (continued)