Ordering replacement parts
The following consumable parts may be ordered separately:
Stock Number Description
78-8123-7939-0 Battery
78-8123-7940-8 Battery charger assembly
26-1014-9577-3 Antenna-adjustment tool
78-8123-7890-5 Memory-card removal tab
26-1017-1145-0 64-MB memory card
26-1014-9616-9 Replacement stylus three pack
To order parts
Call the following phone numbers to order the parts listed above.
In the United States
Library Systems: 1-800-328-0067 (Option 2)
3M™ RFID Tracking System: 1-800-944-3512 (Option 3)
In Canada
Library Systems and 3M™ RFID Tracking System (English/Français): 1-800-410-6880
In other countries
Call your local 3M office.