Technical Specifi cation
Welding shield with SideWindows
(excl headband and welding fi lter): 265 g
Welding shield w/o SideWindows
(excl headband and welding fi lter): 240 g
Headband 120 g
Welding fi lter:
Speedglas 9100V 150 g
Speedglas 9100X 160 g
Speedglas 9100XX 185 g
Viewing area:
Welding fi lter:
Speedglas 9100V 45 x 93 mm
Speedglas 9100X 54 x 107 mm
Speedglas 9100XX 73 x 107 mm
UV/IR protection: According to shade number 13
Switching time light to dark: 0.1 ms (+23°C)
Opening time dark to light (delay) see Recovery Delay table
Light state: shade no 3
Dark state: shade no 5, 8, 9-13
Fail safe state: shade no 5
Battery type: 2 x CR2032 (Lithium 3V)
Operating temperature: -5°C to + 55°C
Battery life:
Speedglas 9100V 2800 hours
Speedglas 9100X 2500 hours
Speedglas 9100XX 2000 hours
Head sizes: 50-64
Shield: PPA
Silver front: PA
Welding fi lter: PA
SideWindows: PC
Headband: PA, PP, TPE, PE
Protection plate: PC