5-54 C141-E050-02EN
Table 5.7 Features Register values (subcommands) and functions
SMART Read Attribute Values:
A device that received this subcommand asserts the BSY bit and saves all
the updated attribute values. The device then clears the BSY bit and
transfers 512-byte attribute value information to the host.
For infomation about the format of the attribute value information, see
SMART Read Attribute Thresholds:
This subcommand is used to transfer 512-byte insurance failure threshold
For infomation about the format of the insurance failure threshold value
SMART Enable-Disable Attribute AutoSave:
This subcommand is used to enable (SC register
register = 00h) the setting of the automatic saving feature for the device
attribute data. The setting is maintained every time the device is turned off
and then on. When the automatic saving feature is enabled, the attribute
values are saved before the device enters the power saving mode. However,
if the failure prediction feature is disabled, the attribute values are not
When the device receives this subcommand, it asserts the BSY bit, enables
or disables the automatic saving feature, then clears the BSY bit.
SMART Save Attribute Values:
When the device receives this subcommand, it asserts the BSY bit, saves
device attribute value data, then clears the BSY bit.
This subcommand enables the failure prediction feature. The setting is
maintained even when the device is turned off and then on.
When the device receives this subcommand, it asserts the BSY bit, enables
the failure prediction feature, then clears the BSY bit.
SMART Disable Operations:
This subcommand disables the failure prediction feature. The setting is
maintained even when the device is turned off and then on.
When the device receives this subcommand, it asserts the BSY bit, disables
the failure prediction feature, then clears the BSY bit.