
G5963 Surface Grinder -15-
Dressing is performed on the face of the grinding
wheel to sharpen the abrasives or to remove
material which has imbedded in the surface.
Dressing also makes the circumference of the
wheel true to its centerpoint, thus insuring good
grinding results. Wheels should always be
dressed when first installed on the machine, and
also periodically as the wheel is used. The fre-
quency will depend upon the types of materials
being ground, and the severity of the grinding
operations. A wheel which will not balance prop-
erly may need to be dressed to true first to assure
1. Insert the Dressing Diamond into the
Dressing Fixture and attach the fixture to
the table so that it is just right of the center
line of the grinding wheel. See Figure 7.
Figure 7. Dressing fixture mounted on magnetic chuck.
2. Lower the Vertical Adjustment Handwheel
so the grinding wheel just comes in contact
with the Dressing Diamond.
3. Move the Cross Feed Handwheel so the
Dresser is in front of the wheel. Make cer-
tain there is no movement of the
Longitudinal Handwheel during the dress-
ing operation.
4. Turn the grinder on and let the wheel spin
for at least one minute. Then advance the
Cross Feed so the Dresser sweeps across
the wheel. Lower the wheel .001" and
repeat. Continue successive passes until
the entire edge of the wheel is being cut. A
better finish will result if the last couple of
passes are less than .001".
5. Turn the machine off and remove the
Dressing Fixture.
Wheel Dressing