-30- Extreme Duty Planers
8. Working from the back of the planer is easi-
est because the anti-kickback pawls hang
down in the front. Place a piece of newspa-
on each wood block so it is both under
the cutterhead and accessible from the back
of the planer. The newspaper will act as a
feeler gauge to help you know when the
table is high enough. (Newspaper is about
.003" thick and is long enough for adequate
9. Raise the table close to the knife/insert edge.
raising the table with the micro
adjust knob while constantly checking for
resistance on the newspaper. When you get
a medium drag on the paper, stop raising the
table and remove the newspaper.
This table position will now be your reference
point from which to make the other adjust-
10. Lower the feed rollers so they rest on the
blocks. Back the adjustment bolts out
⁄8" (approximately).
11. Notice where the hairline indicator reads on
table height scale. With the micro-adjust-
knob, lower the table approximately
1mm on the scale (1mm = .039").
12. On the right and left sides, raise the adjust-
bolts up to the roller blocks and tighten
the check nuts. Make sure the adjustment
bolts do not move while tightening the check
13. Rotate the pressure bar down to its original
On the pressure bar, back the stop
bolts out enough so that the pressure bar
rests on the wood blocks below.
14. Set the stop bolts so they barely touch the
body and tighten the check nuts to
keep them in place.
15. Replace the springs and nuts. Tighten the
down on the tension stud so that the top
of the nut is approximately
⁄4" from the top of
the tension stud.
To set the feed rollers and pressure bar with
a Rotacator
1. Make
sure the planer is disconnected
from power and the knives are adjusted
2. Read the previous instructions about setting
feed rollers and pressure bar with wood
blocks—this will familiarize you with how to
access and adjust the feed rollers and pres-
3. Engage the cutterhead lock.
4. Place the Rotacator
on the table, under-
neath the cutterhead. Line up the Rotacator
plunger on the edge of the knife. Set the dial
to .000" and lock in place.
5. Move the Rotacator
directly under the one
side of the feed roller and set the plunger on
a bottom dead center edge. Adjust the feed
roller until the Rotacator
reads .040".
6. Repeat step
4 on each end of each feed
roller. Double check for accuracy, then lock
the check nuts in place.
7. Adjust the pressure bar using the same pro-
as with the feed rollers.