Page 13SKU 98199 For technical questions, please call 1-800-444-3353.
Align the marked location of the cut 5.
on the work material with the saw
blade. Be aware that the Saw Blade
will remove material from the cut
equal to the width of the blade. This is
the “kerf”. To prevent your work piece
from being cut too short, align the
edge of the blade with your measured
mark, keeping the kerf on the waste
side of the cut.
Hold the work material in place using 6.
the Hold Down Vise. Ensure that the
work material is level and supported
securely, using saw horses or
supports if necessary.
Grip the Saw Handle and squeeze 7.
the Trigger to start the Blade turning.
Pressing down lightly, move the 8.
Blade smoothly across the work
material to cut it. With narrow
material, you can press straight down
“chopping” the material. With wider
material you must move the Blade
across the material to cut it. Do not
bear down on the material, use light
downward pressure. If the material
binds the blade, release the trigger.
Keep your hands away from the
When the cut is completed, raise the 9.
blade assembly, wait for the Blade to
stop turning, release the Hold Down
Vise and remove the work material
from the saw.