SCAN:MODE [ROUTe:]SCAN:MODE <mode> sets the multiplexer channels defined by
[ROUTe:]SCAN <channel_list> command for None, Volts, 2-Wire
Ohms, or 4-Wire Ohms measurements.
Parameter Name Parameter Type Range of Values
Discrete NONE | VOLT | RES | FRES
Comments • Order of Command Execution: The [ROUTe:]SCAN:MODE
command must be executed before the [ROUTe:]SCAN <channel_list>
and [ROUTe:]CLOSe <channel_list> commands.
• NONE and VOLT Mode Description: When selected, channel list
is set up for volts measurements.
• RES Mode Description: When selected, channel list is set up for
2-wire ohms measurements. The current source on I+ and I- is
superimposed on the channel being measured. Appropriate tree
isolation switches are automatically closed.
• FRES Mode Description: When selected, channel list is set up for
4-wire ohms measurements. Specify only the channel on which the
voltage is to be measured. The paired channel (plus or minus eight
channels away) on the other bank will automatically close. If you
specify both channels (@102, 110), the module will first setup for
FRES reading on 02, then setup for FRES reading on 10.
• *RST Condition: [ROUTe:]SCAN:MODE NONE
Example Selecting the 4-Wire Ohms Mode. This example scans 8 channels for
4-wire ohms resistance measurements.
TRIG:SOUR EXT Selects external trigger source.
SCAN:MODE FRES Selects the 4-wire ohms scanning
SCAN (@100:115) Sets channel list.
INIT Starts scanning cycle.
SCAN:MODE? [ROUTe:]SCAN:MODE? returns the current state of the scan mode. The
command returns
NONE, VOLT, RES, or FRES if the scan mode is in the
NONE, VOLT, RES, or FRES mode, respectively.
Example Query Scan Mode
This example selects the 4-wire ohms measurement mode (
FRES), then
queries the measurement state. Because 4-wire ohms mode is selected, the
query command returns
SCAN:MODE FRES Selects the 4-wire ohms scanning
SCAN:MODE? Query the scanning mode.
Chapter 5 HP E1351A/53A 16-Channel FET Multiplexer Command Reference 67