The SYSTem subsystem returns the error numbers and error messages in
the error queue of a switchbox, and returns the types and descriptions of
modules (cards) in a switchbox.
Subsystem Syntax SYSTem
number | ALL>
:CDEScription? SYSTem:CDEScription? <number> returns the description of a selected
module (card) in a switchbox.
Parameter Name Parameter Type Range of Values
Numeric 1 - 99
Comments • 16-Channel FET Multiplexer Module Description: The
SYSTem:CDEScription? <number> command returns:
16 Channel FET Mux
• 16-Channel Thermocouple FET Multiplexer Module Description:
SYSTem:CDEScription? <number> command returns:
16 Channel FET Mux with T/C
Example Reading the Description of Card #1 Module
SYST:CDES? 1 Determine the description.
:CPON SYSTem:CPON <number | ALL> opens all channels of a selected module,
or all modules (cards) in a switchbox.
Parameter Name Parameter Type Range of Values
Numeric 1 - 99 | ALL
Comments • Differences between *RST and CPON: SYSTem:CPON only opens
all channels of a selected module or all modules in a switchbox.
*RST opens all channels of all modules in a switchbox and also sets
the trigger modes to the power-on states.
Example Opening All Channels on Card #1
SYST:CPON 1 Opens all channels on card #1.
Chapter 5 HP E1351A/53A 16-Channel FET Multiplexer Command Reference 71