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Observe all Safety Guidelines detailed throughout this manual
If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, contact your
#@42=#:?4@=?FE9@C:K65:6=5*6CG:4624:=:EJ for technical troubleshooting assistance before you proceed.
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Engine stops during operation and
the Engine Protection light 5@6D turn
Overheat of the Engine.
Lack of Coolant Supply coolant.
Inspect leakage and correct.
Loose or slipping fan belt Remove
oil, dust, etc. and tighten.
Damaged fan belt. Replace.
Clogged radiator Flush the radia-
Clogged radiator fin. Clean.
Dust or scale clogged in the cooling
water passage. Flush the system.
Faulty function of the thermostat.
Inspect or replace thermostat.
Lack of lubricating oil. Add oil.
Overloading Decrease the load.
Faulty Idler/Engine Protection
Printed Circuit Board. Replace.
2. Loss of Engine Oil Pressure.
Lack of engine oil Supply oil up to
the specified level.
Fault in the Oil Pressure Switch
Replace the switch.
Oil leakage from the lubricating
system Inspect and retighten.
Clogged oil filter Replace with new
Oil too light Drain and refill with
proper grade.
Faulty Idler/Engine Protection
P.C. Board. Replace.