Operating Controls
Power Indicator Light – The start switch has a
power indicator lamp which is on whenever
there is power connected to the Jointer, not
just when the Jointer is running. Do not assume
that no light means there is no power to the
machine. If the bulb is bad, there will be no
indication. Always check before use.
Do not rely that no light
means no power to the machine. Always
check for power first. Failure to comply may
cause serious injury!
Refer to Figure 30:
Start – Press the green start switch.
When power is connected to the machine, the
green light is always on regardless of whether
the Jointer is running or not.
Stop – Press the red switch to stop.
Reset – In the event that the Jointer stops
without pressing the stop button, as the result of
a tripped fuse or circuit breaker, etc.:
Press red button to reset main switch.
Press the green button to restart the machine.
Safety Key
The start/stop switch on the Jointer comes
equipped with a magnetic safety key. When in
place on the switch as shown in Figure 30, the
magnetic safety key trips a relay which will allow
the machine to start and stop when the
respective switches are pressed. Being
magnetic, the lock can be removed to make the
machine inoperable and can be hidden for safe
storage by attaching it to another magnetic
When using the Jointer, place the key on the
switch cover lining up the arrow on the key with
the REMOVE arrow on the cover. Then rotate
the key so that the arrow lines up with the LOCK
arrow on the cover. This will prevent the safety
key from coming loose from vibration when the
machine is in use.
Figure 30