14 15
See Figures 9 - 10.
Edge-to-edge joinery is one of the most basic and easily-
constructed joints.
n Unplug the biscuit joiner.
n Prepare the workpieces by laying them side by side
on a workbench in the order in which they will be as-
n Using a square, determine the location of each biscuit
spline joint and mark the center of each joint by drawing
a line across each workpiece.
NOTE: Mark the edges 2 in. from the ends of the work-
pieces. The joint will be stronger if you use multiple bis-
cuits placed close together.
n Loosen the locking knob approximately one turn and set
the fence angle at 90°.
n Set the fence height at the desired dimension on the scale
by rotating the height adjustment knob.
NOTE: The scale indicates the height of the fence from
the center of the blade.
n Tighten the locking knob securely.
n Select the correct depth of cut setting to match the biscuit
size you are planning to use. Make a test cut in a scrap
piece of wood from the same workpiece if possible.
n Clamp the workpiece securely so that it will not move
during the cut.
n Plug the biscuit joiner into the power supply and prepare
to make the first cut. Grasp and hold the biscuit joiner
securely with both hands.
n Place the fence against the board and align the indica-
tor marks on the fence with the centerline mark(s) on the
n Depress the switch trigger to turn on the biscuit joiner,
then push it forward to extend the blade into the wood.
n When the base assembly bottoms out against the depth
of cut adjustment knob setting, pull back, releasing pres-
sure on the spring. The blade will retract from the biscuit
n Repeat this procedure for all desired biscuit slots.
n Once all biscuit slots have been cut, place a biscuit in
each joint and dry-assemble the workpiece. Make sure
each joint lines up and fits.
n Finally, disassemble the workpieces and place a bead
of glue in each slot. Also, spread a bead of glue over the
entire surface of the joint. Reinsert the biscuits and as-
semble the workpieces.
n Clamp workpieces together until the glue sets up.
Fig. 9
Fig. 10