Schumacher 9275A-PE Battery Charger User Manual

This battery charger offers two 12-volt charge rates,
2 and 12 amps. The 2-amp rate is recommended for
charging small batteries such as those found in
motorcycles and riding lawn mowers whereas the
12-amp rate is for larger automotive and marine
Manual Mode: You have a choice of charging in the
automatic or manual mode of operation. The Manual
mode is required for batteries that have been run down to
the point where the battery voltage is less than 1 volt.
(The Automatic mode will not respond to a battery with
less than 1 volt.) Once a battery begins to take on a
charge, it is recommended to switch to the automatic
Automatic Mode: The Automatic mode should be used
for all other conditions. The charger starts out with the
default setting of 2 amps in automatic. You may change
the mode of operation anytime after the initial start up.
In the Automatic mode, during the first few seconds the
charger will perform an analytical check of the battery.
During this time, the charger will turn on, off, and on
again as indicated on the amp meter. The information
gained from this test determines what action the charger
will take.
Touch-Pad Function Switch Indicators: When a
touch-pad function switch is pressed the LED next to it
will glow orange indicating that its function has been
selected. You may, at any time, change the setting from
the initial default setting of 2 amps while in Automatic
mode. During the analytical period, the LEDs will glow
steady. At the end of this period, either the Manual or
Automatic LED will blink indicating that the charge cycle
has begun.
Charge Complete Indicator: Near the end of the
charge cycle, the green Charge Compete LED will begin
to blink. At the end of one hour when Charge Complete
has been reached, the green indicator will glow steady
and the orange function LEDs will turn off. At this point,
the charger switches into float-mode monitoring and
maintains the battery at its full charge state. Note the
Charge Complete indicator does not function in the
Manual mode. Use the Amp Meter to determine the state
of charge. When using the Manual mode, the charging
must be frequently monitored.
Selector Switch: When the switch is set to the Engine
Start position, the Automatic and Manual switch LEDs will
alternately glow once every half second to indicate that
the Engine Start mode has been selected.
Ammeter: The meter indicates the amount of current
flowing from the charger into the battery. It is not uncom-
mon for a discharged battery to draw more than the 12-
amp rating of the charger. When this occurs, the needle
will move to the far right past the 12-amp mark. This
effect may last up to an hour depending upon the size
and condition of the battery. Additionally, the meter
shows percentage of charge indicating how close the
battery is to full charge. When using the 2-amp setting,
there will be little or no needle movement on the meter.
Refer to the LED indicator for the battery’s status.
Engine Starting: With the charger properly connected
following “Charging Your Battery in a Vehicle”:
1. Set the selector switch to the Engine Start position.
2. Crank the engine - The charger is programmed to
crank at 75-amps for 5 seconds and then will go into
a 4-minute rest.
If the engine does not start on your first attempt, wait the
4 minutes and then try again. Or, you may switch back to
the 12-amp charge during the rest period by changing
the switch position to Charge and the 12-amp rate setting.
3. After the 4-minute wait, you can crank another time.
Repeat again if necessary. Remember to set the
switch back to Engine Start before cranking if you
had switched back to Charge at 12-amps. DO NOT
crank in the 12-amp charge position.
Battery Abort: While in the Automatic mode only, if a
battery fails to meet the criteria of a good battery it will
abort charging. When this happens, all four of the orange
function switch LEDs will began flashing.
Sulfated Battery: If a battery exhibits characteristics of
a sulfated battery, the charger will respond by operating
in a mode of operation designed specifically for this
condition. If the charger fails to recover the battery within
ten hours it will switch to the Battery Abort mode.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
CHARGE % 100 75 50 25
12 AMP