SK58 User Manual ◄ 11
8. After the rock bit has carved out a depression in the
material being drilled, open the hydraulic valve le-
ver fully. Readjust the motor control knob to obtain
a good drilling speed. Adjust the air valve to ensure
the cuttings are being extracted from the drill hole.
9. When the bottom of the tool comes within 6 inches
of the drill hole, it is time to either add another sec-
tion of drill steel or replace the existing drill steel with
a longer section. Close the hydraulic valve lever but
leave the air valve “ON” and then lift the tool with
drill steel and rock bit out of the hole. Leaving the
air valve “ON” helps prevent cuttings from falling
around the bit while the bit is lifted from the hole.
10. When the tool, drill steel and bit have been removed
from the drill hole, turn the valve lever “OFF” and
turn the hydraulic supply circuit control valve “OFF”
before changing the drill steel or rock bit.
If the breaker is to be used during cold weather, preheat
the hydraulic uid at low engine speed. When using the
normally recommended uid, uid temperature should
be at or above 50 °F/10 °C (400 ssu/82 centistokes) be-
fore use.
Damage to the hydraulic system or breaker can result
from use with uid that is too viscous or thick.