Verifying Connection to Call Builder Interface 59
Connection to Call
Builder Interface
To verify if the IP Messaging Server is connected to the call builder
interface (CBI) :
1 Log into EMS.
2 From the Explorer tab, navigate to the IP Messaging System.
3 From the Properties tab, click Status.
4 The Application Status field, should show connected. If the CBI is not
connected, the Application Status field shows not connected.
Configuring Call
Builder Variables
This section outlines the various Call Builder components that are a part
of the IP Messaging Server.
Configuring DTMF
To configure the DTMF payload:
1 Log into EMS.
2 From the Explorer tab, navigate to the IP Messaging System.
3 From the Properties tab, click Call Builder Config.
4 In the DefaultDTMFPayloadType field, type in a number between 1 and
5 Click Save All.
Configuring RTP RTP packets are generally sent from the Call Builder to the server that the
VCX data server is located on.
To configure where RTP packets are sent:
1 Log into EMS.
2 From the Explorer tab, navigate to the IP Messaging System.
3 From the Properties tab, click Call Builder Config.
4 In the RTPAddress field, type the IP Address of the server you want to sent
RTP packets to.
5 In the RTPStartPort field, type the port number of the server you want to
send RTP packets to.
6 Click Save All.