
IP Messaging Server Maintenance 61
6 Click Save All.
Configuring the
Signaling Server
This section provides instructions on how to configure the VCX data
server IP address and port number.
To configure VCX data server IP address and port number associated with
the call builder:
1 Log into EMS.
2 From the Explorer tab, navigate to the IP Messaging System.
3 From the Properties tab, click Call Builder Config.
4 In the SIPSignallingAddress field, type the IP address of the server that the
VCX data server is located on.
5 In the SIPSignallingPort field, type the port of the VCX data server where
that receives the SIP messages.
6 Click Save All.
IP Messaging Server
This section describes maintenance tasks that are specific to just the IP
Messaging server.
Verifying the IP
Messaging Server
To verify the state of the IP Messaging Server:
1 Log in to EMS.
2 Navigate to the IP Messaging Server.
3 The status indicator light that appears next to the 3Com IP Messaging
System identifies these system states:
Green — The IP Messaging server is running
Red — The IP Messaging server is not running
Gracefully Stopping
the IP Messaging
When an IP Messaging server is stopped gracefully, all calls that are in
progress continue their connections, but no new calls can take place.