Command Reference
2-110 Command Reference 601356 Rev A
Step 2. Output returned:
Step 1. Unsuccessful Mount request with unknown media
Requests VolServ to mount media BadMedia onto
drive 5.
Step 2. Output returned:
The time required to satisfy a specific mount request depends
on the number of available drives and pending vsmount
A drive that is specified in a vsmount request may not be the
ideal drive where to mount the specified media. It may take
considerably longer to mount the media onto a specified drive
than if a drive pool is specified.
The -i and -u options have no affect on a
vsmount request that
does not require an inter-library media movement.
If a specified drive was previously locked, the lock identifier
assigned to that drive must be supplied before that drive is
considered in the selection process.
Media could not be mounted onto drive
Error VOL110: mount crosses archives
vsmount BadMedia -d 5
Media could not be mounted onto drive
Error VOL029: invalid media specified