Command Reference
2-144 Command Reference 601356 Rev A
Queries for information about a specified request.
The client must specify VolServ assigned request identifier of
the request being queried.
Upon receipt of a vsrequestqry request, VolServ searches its
request queue for the specified request identifier. If the specified
request is not found, status is returned to the client that indicates
a non-existent request. If the request is found, the attribute
values of the request are returned to the client.
vsrequestqry requestid
[ -Ih ]
[ -H hostname ]
[ -P priority ]
[ -R retries ]
[ -T timeout ]
[ -V prognum]
Parameter Description
requestid Specifies the VolServ-assigned identifier of
the request to be queried. A valid request
identifier must be specified in the: yyyyddmm
-I Command options are first read from the
command line. VolServ then reads any
options contained in the stdin file.