Command Reference
601356 Rev A Command Reference 2-135
Requests VolServ to return a list of drives that are
candidates to be mounted with MED003.
Step 2. Output returned:
The returned list of drives are known to be suitable for
mounting the specified media, but those drives are not available
if they are currently in use.
Drives that are not online are not considered suitable for
mounting and are, therefore, not returned in response to the
If a vsqrymount is run against media:
• that is found to be currently mounted, the output to the
client includes a message that the media is mounted, in
addition to a list of suitable drives.
• that is currently allocated for mounting (but has not
completed the mount move), the output includes a message
that the media is assigned.
The ordering of the returned drive list is based on the media’s
current physical location. Drives that are not mounted are listed
before drives that have media mounted on them. Consequently,
for a mounted media, the drive where the media is currently
mounted may not be the first drive on the returned list.
vsqrymount MED003
Query Mount for media [MED003] was
Error VOL008: item not found