28 Chapter 1
Getting Started
Front Panel Description
12. Floppy Disk Drive. The floppy disk drive accepts 1.44 megabyte
disks. For an explanation of the operation of the floppy
disc drive see the Using Print Keys section on page 63.
13. Softkeys Softkeys either activate a feature or access a further
softkey menu. An arrow on the right side of a softkey
label indicates that the key accesses a further menu.
The softkey which is currently active is highlighted.
Keys unavailable for use are greyed-out. If a softkey
menu has multiple pages, further pages will be
accessed by pressing the
More key which is the bottom
key on any multi-page menu.
14. Return key The
Return key exits the current menu and returns
you to the previous menu. If you are on page one of a
multi-page menu (a menu with a “More” key) the
key will exit the multi-page menu. When you activate a
different measurement, the return list is cleared. The
Return key will not return you to the previously
activated mode, nor will it alter any values you have
entered on previous menus.
15. Navigation keys are used to move around in the display, and to
return to the previous menu.
• The
Tab Left feature is not implemented. This feature
will be implemented with a future firmware update.
• The
Tab Right feature is not implemented. This
feature will be implemented with a future firmware
• The
Home feature is not implemented. This feature
will be implemented with a future firmware update.
16. Window keys are used to move to a different window in the
display or to zoom the windows being displayed.
• The
Next Window key switches between windows.
When a single window is being viewed it switches to
display the next window which is contained in the
current multi-window display which, however, is not
initially visible on the display. When viewing
multiple windows, it activates the next window on
the display. The active window is indicated by a
green border.
• The
Zoom key allows you to switch between a
multiple-window screen and a full-size display of the
window that is active.
17. Help key The
Help feature is not implemented. This feature will